Ukiah residents have long dreamed of shopping at a local Trader Joe’s. From the unique selection of products to the reasonable prices, the grocery store has become a favorite for many across the country. But did you know there’s an actual way we can work together to turn this dream into reality?
Trader Joe’s has a system in place where individuals can make location requests for new stores. The process is simple: just fill out a form on their website. And the more requests we send in, the higher the likelihood of making Ukiah the next home for a Trader Joe’s!
Why Trader Joe’s?
Apart from the myriad of exotic foods and quality house-brand products, Trader Joe’s is known for its commitment to sustainability, eco-friendly practices, and fostering a sense of community in each location. Having a Trader Joe’s in Ukiah would not just be a convenience—it could become a central hub of our community.
How to Request a Store in Ukiah
Trader Joe’s keeps a keen eye on these requests and takes them seriously. The process is straightforward:
- Go to the Trader Joe’s Store Request Page: https://www.traderjoes.com/home/contact-us/request-a-store
- Fill out the necessary details.
- In the “Location Requested” section, make sure to specify “Ukiah, CA.”
- Submit!
Strength in Numbers
If every person in Ukiah who desires a Trader Joe’s takes a few moments to fill out this form, it could significantly influence the company’s decision. It’s a collective effort, where every request counts.
Now tell us, do you want to see a Trader Joe’s in Ukiah?
I would love to have a Trader Joes in Ukiah. They fill a niche that no other local store does. I think they would thrive here, since so many people from all over Mendocino and Lake Counties already come to Ukiah for so many services. There’s even a perfect location for them, the empty lot at the southern end of Airport Park on the west side of the road.
We would love a traders Jo’s wouldn’t be going to Santa Rosa if we had one.