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Ukiah, CA; July 14, 2023 – The City of Ukiah invites the community to participate in a workshop with the City Council to help create a vision for improving the Perkins and Gobbi Street corridors. The workshop will be held Wednesday, July 19th at 3:00 pm at the Ukiah Civic Center, 300 Seminary Avenue.

In partnership Blue Zones Project Mendocino County, a draft concept for the Perkins and Gobbi gateways has been developed and will be presented by Blue Zones planner Dan Burden. Some of the predominant features of this vision include roundabouts, wider sidewalks, bike lanes, landscaped medians, and additional trees and landscaping.

The workshop will include an explanation of “Complete Streets”—sometimes referred to as “people-friendly streets”— which governs the development of new streets and aims to make travel safe and accessible for all users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, motorists, transit vehicles, and people of all ages and abilities. The City of Ukiah is applying “Complete Streets” principles as it improves its streets, prioritizing safety, functionality, and aesthetics for our primary corridors.

The concepts presented at the July 19 workshop are aspirational plans, which will ultimately require additional community engagement, studies, design, and the award of grant funding. As such, these projects will take several years to develop. However, this workshop begins that process.

In the meantime, the City has been awarded a grant through CalTrans and the California Transportation Commission for the repaving of East Perkins, Gobbi Street from Orchard to Dora, and Main Street. That work will begin in 2024.

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